What happens to an oil tank after it is removed from underground?

If you have an underground oil tank that needs to be removed, you’re probably wondering what happens to it afterwards. Will it be recycled? Will it be disposed of properly? At our company, we take care of everything after the tank is removed. We recycle the oil and dispose of the tank in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Read on for more information about our process!

When an oil tank is removed from underground, the first thing we do is recycle the oil. We collect the oil and send it to a recycling center where it can be used to create new products.

After the oil has been recycled, we dispose of the tank in a safe and environmentally friendly way. We take the tank to a special facility where it is dismantled and recycled. This ensures that the tank will not end up in a landfill or cause any environmental harm.

If you have an underground oil tank that needs to be removed, contact our company today! We will safely and effectively remove the tank and recycle the oil so that you can rest assured knowing that your property is clean and free of any environmental hazards.

Thank you for reading! We hope this article was informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to help!